Dear authors,

As conferences are apparently becoming a trend in the academic world preoccupied with various ways of understanding laws, University College Bedёr, the Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Law in cooperation with Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, are honored to invite you to be part of ICL – First International Conference in Law "Legal Framework for States' Cooperation in Managing the Refugee/Migrant Crisis" that will be held on JUNE 2, 2017, University College Bedёr, Tirana Albania.

ICL is an International Conference which aims to bring together scholars, researchers and graduate students from different countries to exchange and share their experiences and research work on the trends, dynamics and practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in Law regarding refugee/migrant crisis of nowadays.

The conference will be organised in the premises of the University College Bedёr in the form of a plenary session followed by a series of parallel sessions of discussion and consultation among stakeholders, lawyers, specialists, scholars and researchers, policy makers and representatives of the academic world in Europe and beyond. Special attention will be paid to approaches for addressing regional and international research on legal framework and at the possibilities for cooperation in managing the refugees/migrant crisis.

Kindly respond to this invitation to have any inconveniences properly handled. We look forward to your confirmed presence at the First ICL 2017.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Ferdinand XHAFERAJ
Chief Conference Coordinator